About me

Hi, my name is Matt Hassler. I am currently in my 8th year of teaching physical education. I am also an 8th grade girls basketball coach and a high school track coach. When I am not working or coaching I like to challenge myself to different workouts. I always enjoy a good challenge and try to push my limits in most of my exercises hence the name of the blog Push Your Limits. Hopefully I can introduce you to a new challenge that you will enjoy on your fitness journey.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

1 Mile a Day Challenge

Can you challenge yourself to move one mile per day?  In this challenge you can move anyway you'd like as long as you are moving forward for one mile each day.  This could be walking, running, riding a bike or anything else.  During the summer months this is a nice challenge to get you outside and enjoy the weather.  Keep track of your miles and see how many days straight you can complete this challenge.  For starters here is a 31 day challenge.  

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